Sunday, March 28, 2010

More News From Nowhere

you know that feeling when life seems to start sliding into place? like the last hundred pieces of a puzzle? all of a sudden things start getting easier and take less effort and everything is just as fun or more fun then it ever was. thats my life right now. i'm not sure why, but everything is good. maybe it's the change in the air: 18 years with my parents and then suddenly i'm off alone. dunno. 18 in 5 days. time to buy cigarettes and porn and join the army. all on good friday. weird. first time i've ever wanted to have school on my b-day.
Fuck, man, life is good, and so are clichés. Peace.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

When you Grow Up, Will We Still Be Friends?

The other day I realized that someone I considered a good friend is my complete opposite. I made a joke that I found really amusing at the time, and he took it really seriously. This kid has known me for about 3 years. At this point he should expect it. It's just that his personality somehow prevents him from joking around, arguing for the sake of arguing, making up random statistical evidence, and talking shit pointlessly, which is basically everything I love to do. He takes political correctness to the extreme, thinking that an insensitive joke is unquestionably offensive regardless of the context. I mean, I know sometimes I say stuff I shouldn't say, but that kid takes stuff way too far. At some point you have to remember you're still 17, buddy.

Anyway, the title is a quote from a Capote short story, maybe my favorite quote ever. Every time I read it I think of all the people I've ever met, how I've drifted from my IHM friends and how I won't likely see most of my high school class after graduation, even the ones I like. I think about how my dad isn't in touch with anyone from high school or earlier. I remember my oldest friends, Will and Mike, and wonder why I haven't seen Mike in almost a year, and if this means that we're drifting apart or if it's just temporary.