Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Little Confused, Feeling a Little Reckless. Also, OUTER SPACE!!!

What's going on in my life right now!?! For the last year or so, I've been convinced that I want to study engineering. In the last week, I've started questioning it. In my 21st century science class, we spent a day learning about current missions trying to figure if life exists elsewhere in the universe. I realized how badly I want to know more about this and study it. Ever since I first saw Return of the Jedi at the Senator (I think it was 1998, 15th anniversary re-release, maybe)I've loved imagining what else could be out there. I've read countless fan-fiction novels; needless to say it really got me interested in space travel. So now I'm seriously considering trying to get into an astronomy program. Apparently Hopkins' program is really good; the Hubble's images are initially sent to their lab, and they already have the contract for the Hubble's replacement. Fuck, that sounds so exciting. Maybe I could experience some of the first images from the new telescope (I believe it's going to be called the James Webb Telescope). In general, astronomy sounds so cool. We know so little about anything smaller than suns outside our solar system, but with more and more advanced telescopes and hopefully some long-range probes, we can eventually learn some more.

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